Company introduction

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Company introduction
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Doosan Corporation
Doosan Corporation Electro-Materials brings happiness to the world with its technologies as the leader in electronic materials.
Doosan Corporation
Digital Innovation(Korea)
Doosan Corporation Digital Innovation provides total IT service to Doosan affiliates worldwide.
Doosan Corporation
Doosan Corporation Bio develops and commercializes diverse new bio-materials including the medical emulsifier PL95 - one of the next-generation world’s best products designated by the Ministry of Knowledge and Economy in 2008 - which have been gaining popularity in global markets including China and India.
Doosan Corporation
Doosan Corporation Electro-Materials brings happiness to the world with its technologies as the leader in electronic materials.
Doosan Corporation
Digital Innovation(China)
Doosan Corporation Digital Innovation provides total IT service to Doosan affiliates worldwide.
© 2014 Doosan Corporation PRIVACY POLICY