Purchasing Vision

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Conflict Minerals

Mottrol Corporation’s Policy
Mottrol Corporation plans to develop and implement a supply chain management policy relevant to conflict minerals, and products and parts that contain conflict minerals, to support and join international efforts related to conflict minerals. We also plan to establish a procedure to verify whether conflict minerals are contained in the parts supplied by the Suppliers in accordance with the conflict mineral management policy.
Supplier Compliance Requirements
In case Mottrol Corporation’s Suppliers use conflict minerals, the Suppliers shall inform us in advance in accordance with our policy, and develop a procedure through which we can verify whether they are sourced from conflicted areas and provide information by verifying the country of origin for conflict minerals. If you have any questions regarding the conflict materials policy, please contact us at seongyouk.jeong@doosan.com.
모트롤  © 2013 (주)모트롤 PRIVACY POLICY